Create a WordPress Admin Account on Server

WordPress accounts are usually created from the Dashboard, under the Users menu, but there are instances when you are not able to login to your account anymore and you are locked out of your own WP website management interface. For instance when you: don’t have access to the email account you initially used for registering …

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Exporting your WordPress Images

gallery photographs in frames

In WordPress, images are stored in the Media Library. When uploading a new image, WordPress will automatically create a couple of new sizes (thumbnail medium, large, etc) and will store them, in addition to the originals, either in a single folder or organised by year/month, depending on your settings under Settings>Media. Over the years, those …

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Aligning images side by side in posts or pages

In order to have the following pictures side by side below – and not vertically aligned – first upload them to the Media Library and then click to the Add Media button above the page editor (click on the screen capture to display full size):   This brings us to the Media Library where multiple …

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Working with Classic Editor for a clean and fast website

Page builders have been designed for amateurs playing around with their first and only blog design, full of useless animations and distracting flashy effects. Most of the time, they get ugly results by breaking the initial layout of the theme they are using and a bloated site that loads slowly and keeps visitors away. The …

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Adding demo content and populating a new website

When starting a new project for a client or ourselves we always face the “white page” or “blank screen” terror: where to start from, how to create new pages and posts in order to be able to see how a given theme behaves? Clients rarely have their content ready when starting a new project and …

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How to change your site’s URL address in 4 easy steps

Sometimes, it happens you want to change your website’s URL address to a new domain and URL, either because you or your client changed business name or simply because the old one is compromised for any reason and you want to move to a new address and keep your website exactly the same and only …

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Replace Existing Media Files

Images are adding up to your WordPress Media Library and uploads folder year after year until, one day, you realize that the filenames that were used were not exactly the best for SEO. Especially if you allowed your client or visitors to upload their own! A first glimpse at your Media Library will only show …

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Auto-Cleanup Media Library When Deleting Posts

Sometimes we need to cleanup our sites a bit and delete old posts/pages or simply trash a new post that was just created. Problem is that images and media files that were included in those trashed posts will still remain in the site’s Media Library, as long as you don’t delete them manually one by …

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Password Protect Your Site

When working on a new project or when an existing WordPress site is getting a new design, you might want to keep it hidden from public eyes while working on it and, at the same time, keep it accessible for some visitors and yourself as admin. A maintenance plugin might be a good solution in …

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